Walking over Ballard Down

Ballard Down


This week we enjoyed some super sunny February days and took advantage of the dry weather to walk over Ballard Down and then via Old Harry Rocks to Studland. What a glorious day, and the views from on top of the down are amazing. Yes, it was cold, but then what do you expect in winter! Plenty of layers and the addition of a pair of long johns to keep my legs warm helped. And actually, when you hit your stride, a brisk walk soon warms you up anyway.

From Glenlee Guest House we set off along the beach heading east, along the patio of the Bull & Boat and then keeping to the edge of the beach. Well past Shep’s Hollow we turned up left through the woods. Taking a little-known path up a muddy slope where ropes are handily placed to haul yourself up until, we eventually reached the normal path at the top. We then turned right towards Old Harry.

For lunch we popped into the Bankes Arms up at Studland. A blazing fire helped keep the bar toasty warm. And the food was excellent – brought to our table seemingly seconds after we’d sat down. Had they read our minds even before we walked in?

The walk back to Glenlee in Swanage was equally enjoyable. It left us feeling invigorated and refreshed. The moral of the tale being winter walks can be wonderful – just dress appropriately.